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History and introduction of Shahid Beheshti University 

Shahid Beheshti University was established on Feb. 1960. The university's articles of association were approved in 998th meeting by council of culture at that time. Although it was officially opened on Mar. 1961, student admission was done on Sept. 1960 and by faculty of architecture and urbanization and bank sciences which were the first faculties of university. The numerous honors of Shahid Beheshti University are as follows: training more than 50000 graduates at different academic degrees, 130 martyrs of holy defense, martyr to Islamic revolution, holding tens of international, regional, national scientific congresses, seminars and conferences, holding first festival of nations culture, introducing tens of top professors, researchers, research directors, inventors, explorers throughout the country, innovation of holding student marriage ceremonies, granting honor doctoral, to deceased professor Birashk, and etc. center of international conferences of shahid beheshti is constructed as first center of comprehensive university conference at most north part of Tehran (Velenjak region) in center of Shahid Beheshti University with pleasant air and very beautiful natural views in a ground in the area of 2000 sqm and building in the area of 7000 sqm.

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Address: center of international conferences, Shahid Beheshti University, Daneshjoo Blvd., Yaman St., Chamran Highway, Tehran


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